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Violence in Venezuela as Thousands Protest Proposed Constitutional Reforms


Protesters in Venezuela have clashed with police as thousands demonstrated against constitutional reforms that some critics say will turn the country into an authoritarian state.

Venezuelan police fired tear gas Tuesday at the student-led demonstrators after clashes broke out in Caracas.

The proposed amendments include eliminating presidential term limits, detaining citizens without charge during national emergencies, and restricting the public's access to information during an emergency.

Leaders of Venezuela's Roman Catholic Church are opposed to the changes, saying they amount to the concentration of power in the president's hands.

Human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch and Reporters Without Borders, have also condemned the proposed constitutional amendments.

Venezuela's legislature plans to finalize the language for the 58 amendments by the end of this month, and a national vote on the changes is expected in December.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.