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UN Envoy to Meet With Foreign Diplomats in Remote Burmese Capital

Foreign diplomats in Burma have been summoned to its remote capital of Naypyidaw to meet with UN envoy Ibrahim Gambari who is attempting to end the country's political crisis.

Diplomats in Burma said they were invited to meet with Gambari later this week, but gave little information regarding the agenda for the gathering. Gambari arrived in Burma on Saturday and has been holding talks with the country's military rulers since his arrival.

It is not clear if Gambari will meet with Burma's military leader Than Shwe during his visits or whether he will go ahead with a scheduled meeting with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi Tuesday.

Gambari is in Burma as part of a push to encourage reconciliation between the military government and its pro-democracy opponents.

Gambari is also scheduled to meet with representatives of Burma's ethnic minority groups and Red Cross officials while in Burma.

On Sunday, Gambari met with Labor Minister Aung Kyi, the government's liaison to Aung San Suu Kyi.

A U.N. statement said Gambari held extensive discussions with the minister on an "agreed framework for meaningful dialogue" between Aung San Suu Kyi and the government. The statement provided no details.

Gambari is on his second trip to Burma since the military government's violent crackdown in September on pro-democracy protests led by Buddhist monks.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.