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US Presidential Candidates Prepare for Contests in Nevada, South Carolina

Democratic and Republican U.S. presidential candidates are campaigning on promises to revive the economy, ahead of party nominating contests Saturday in the western U.S. state of Nevada and the southern state of South Carolina.

Democratic Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are locked in a tight race as they prepare for party caucuses in Nevada. Both are discussing the need to stimulate the economy.

Clinton reached out to African-American voters Thursday in the western state of California, saying she would work for economic justice on their behalf.

Republican candidates also are turning their attention to the economy as they prepare for the South Carolina Republican primary.

Arizona Senator John McCain - who won the New Hampshire primary last week - has proposed an economic stimulus package that would lower the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent and include other tax breaks to help U.S. businesses.

Rival Republican candidate Mitt Romney said Congress should take immediate action on a stimulus plan that includes a tax rebate. The former Massachusetts governor told CBS television that voter concerns about the economy were the key to his victory in Tuesday's Michigan Republican primary.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.