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Five Terror Suspects Convicted in Failed London Bomb Plot


Five men on trial in Britain have been convicted of terrorist offenses for helping militants mount a failed suicide bombing operation in London.

A London jury Monday found the five guilty of providing safe houses, passports, clothing and food as the bombers hid from police. Two of those convicted are the brothers of two of the would-be suicide bombers, who are now in jail.

The verdicts follow a four-month trial.

The July 21, 2005 plot, which was aborted after bombs failed to detonate, came just two weeks after deadly suicide attacks on London's transit system killed four bombers and 52 commuters.

Separately, a Spanish court today ordered the release of 10 suspects on trial on charges of plotting to bomb Spain's National Court in 2004.

But Spanish authorities immediately held five of the 10 defendants on separate charges. Twenty others remain in custody awaiting verdicts, which are expected as early as this week.

The suspected ringleader, Abderrahmane Tahiri, is accused of planning to ram a truck loaded with 500 kilograms of explosives into the National Court in downtown Madrid.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.