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Two Roadside Bombs Kill 8 in Eastern Afghanistan

Afghan authorities say two separate roadside bombs in northeastern Paktika province bordering Pakistan have killed five Afghan policemen, two Polish soldiers and a child.

The authorities say the first bomb struck Tuesday morning near the city of Khost, killing five policemen and a child. Officials blamed the attack on the Taliban.

Hours later, a second blast near a Polish base in Sharana killed two Polish troops and wounded another one. Polish Defense Ministry says the troops were returning to the base after a humanitarian mission when one of the vehicle hit an improvised explosive device.

Poland has 1,200 soldiers in Afghanistan and plans to send 400 more later this year.

Taliban militants intensified their attacks on Afghan, NATO and U.S.-led security forces last year.

At least 6,000 people were killed in the violence last year, which was the deadliest since the Taliban were driven from power in 2001.

Some information for this report provided by Reuters and AFP.