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Afghans Protest Danish Cartoons of Prophet, Dutch Film on Koran


Thousands of demonstrators have burned Danish and Dutch flags in the Afghan capital in the latest protests against cartoons and a film considered insulting to Islam.

Angry protesters gathered in Kabul after Friday prayers to demand that Danish and Dutch troops withdraw from Afghanistan and that their embassies be shut down.

They also burned an effigy of a Dutch filmmaker, who is due to release a film said to be critical of the Koran. Protesters are also angry at Danish newspapers that reprinted cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, first published three years ago.

Similar protests have erupted over the past month in Pakistan.

On Wednesday, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden released a message, warning the European Union will be punished for allowing the cartoons to be published.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.