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Olympic Torch Relay Ends in India


The Indian leg of the Olympic torch relay has ended after a run Thursday through the capital, New Delhi, as anti-Chinese protests take place in parts of the country.

Some 15,000 security personnel were mobilized to guard against violence during the 2.3-kilometer torch relay, which featured athletes and other celebrities.

Indian authorities shortened the original torch relay route in New Delhi and limited public access. A Chinese security team also surrounded the torch.

Earlier, thousands of Tibetans marched through New Delhi in what they called a parallel relay to highlight events in their homeland.

Police in India's financial capital, Mumbai, Thursday arrested at least 25 people trying to storm the Chinese consulate.

India is home to more than 100,000 Tibetan exiles, including Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.

The flame began its worldwide six-continent trek from ancient Olympia in Greece on March 24. Earlier torch relays in Paris, London and San Francisco were marred by anti-China demonstrations.

The relay is scheduled to include Mount Everest, which lies on the border of Tibet and Nepal.

Pro-Tibet activists have called on the International Olympic Committee to cancel the Tibet leg of the torch relay.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.