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Negroponte Calls on Pakistan to Take Control of Tribal Regions

A senior U.S. official is calling on Pakistan's government to extend its authority over the country's violent tribal regions as soon as possible.

Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte says Washington will not be satisfied until all terrorism emanating from Pakistan's federally administered tribal areas is under control. He says it is not acceptable for extremists to use those areas to carry out attacks against Afghanistan, Pakistan and the wider world.

Negroponte was speaking Monday in Washington at a forum of the National Endowment of Democracy.

He said the United States is helping Pakistan's government establish control in frontier areas by sending U.S. military personnel to equip and train Pakistani security forces.

Negroponte said both Washington and Islamabad understand that a successful anti-terrorism strategy also must include economic development work and improvements in education.

Pakistan's coalition government pledged to overhaul the country's counter-terrorism policies after winning elections in February.

The government has been negotiating in recent weeks with Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud to try to reach a peace deal with militants in the tribal regions.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP.