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Russia Vows to Counter Any US Missile Deployment in Europe


Russia's Defense Ministry says it is developing measures to counter U.S. plans for deploying a missile defense system in Central and Eastern Europe. But Moscow says it has no plans to continue development of a similar system.

Defense Ministry official, General Yevgeny Buzhinsky, told reporters Tuesday in Moscow that Russian leaders are considering what he terms an "asymmetrical" response to any U.S. deployment in Europe. He did not offer details.

The United States plans to deploy 10 missile interceptors in Poland and guidance radar in the Czech Republic to deal with a possible threat from Iran. Russia calls the U.S. plan a threat to its security, despite American promises the system will not be activated unless Iran is proven to be an imminent threat.

The general also said Russia will withdraw its proposal for joint NATO-Russian use of a missile monitoring station in Azerbaijan, if Washington moves forward with deployment plans.

Moscow had suggested the joint operation as an alternative to the U.S. deployment.

The Russian general also said bilateral talks on giving Russian officers permanent access to the planned U.S. facilities are stalled.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.