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Israeli, Palestinian Negotiators to Begin Drafting Positions

Top Palestinian negotiator Ahmed Qureia says Israeli and Palestinian mediators have agreed to prepare a document outlining their progress toward a peace accord.

In remarks to reporters, Qureia said the two sides agreed during recent meetings to begin writing out their positions on all issues discussed during peace negotiations. He did not elaborate on why negotiators had come to the decision.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas resumed U.S.-brokered peace talks last November, but progress has been slow. The two sides have expressed hope at reaching a peace deal before U.S. President George Bush leaves office early next year.

But Qureia said Wednesday that reaching a peace agreement with Israel before Mr. Bush leaves office will take a "miracle." He told reporters in the West Bank that there is still room for progress in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.