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Bomb Kills US Soldier in Iraq, Raising US Fatalities to 10 Since Monday

The U.S. military says a roadside bombing in Baghdad has killed an American soldier - the 10th U.S. fatality in Iraq since Monday.

The military says the powerful bomb went off Wednesday in the predominantly Shi'ite eastern half of Baghdad.

Iraq has seen an increase in deadly attacks on Americans in recent days. Bomb attacks in Baghdad and northern Iraq killed seven U.S. nationals Tuesday, including soldiers and civilians. On Monday, a gunman killed two U.S. soldiers south of Baghdad.

At least 26 U.S. troops have died in Iraq this month, an increase over the 19 who died in May. But, U.S. fatalities are well below last year's figures and the U.S. military says violence in Iraq has dropped to a four-year low.

Also Wednesday, the U.S. military says coalition forces killed three suspected militants near Baghdad's international airport after coming under fire from a vehicle.

In another incident, the military says troops killed a suspected militant near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul in an operation targeting members of a bombing cell.

Elsewhere, a bomb exploded on a minibus in the Shi'ite holy city of Karbala, killing at least two people and wounding 14 others.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.