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Indian, Pakistani Foreign Ministers Pledge to Promote Peace

The foreign ministers of Pakistan and India have pledged to further the peace process between the historic rival countries.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi says Pakistan and India must seize the opportunity to get results from talks centered on the disputed Kashmir region. He made the remarks Friday, while on a four-day visit to India, during which he met with his counterpart, Pranab Mukherjee.

The next round of peace talks is scheduled for July 21.

During the meeting Friday, India's foreign minister called for more cooperation to tackle cross-border terrorism. Indian officials say Islamic militants infiltrate into India from Pakistan.

And Qureshi said the two countries have resolved all bilateral issues regarding a gas pipeline that would carry gas from Iran to Pakistan and India - lessening the impact of spiraling energy prices.

Progress on the $7 billion project has been delayed due to India's fears about the security along the pipeline's route.

U.S. officials are opposing the pipeline in an effort to isolate Iran for its disputed nuclear program.

Meanwhile, protests in Kashmir against a proposed land deal continued for a fifth day today.

Thousands of Muslims demonstrated in the streets of Indian Kashmir's summer capital, Srinagar, to denounce a deal that would transfer 40 hectares of land for use by Hindu pilgrims.

Three people have been killed in clashes with riot police since protests began Monday.

India and Pakistan began a peace process in 2004. But, despite several rounds of talks, they remain deadlocked on Kashmir.