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Iranian President: No War with US, Israel

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says he does not see a possibility of war between Iran and the United States or Israel.

Mr. Ahmadinejad made the comment Tuesday while in Malaysia for a summit of developing Muslim nations.

In Tehran, an official of Iran's Revolutionary Guards is quoted Tuesday as saying Iran will target "vital interests" of the United States around the world if the U.S. attacks Iran over its disputed nuclear activities.

The official said Tel Aviv and U.S. naval forces in the Persian Gulf would be the first targets to be "set on fire" if Iran is attacked.

He spoke as the Revolutionary Guards began a military exercise to sharpen their combat readiness.

World powers have been pressing Iran to stop its program of uranium enrichment, a process that could be used in making nuclear weapons.

U.S. President George Bush has said repeatedly that he wants to use diplomacy to resolve the dispute, but added that all options are on the table.

Last month, Israel's air force carried out a large-scale exercise that was interpreted by many as rehearsal for a possible attack against Iranian nuclear facilities.