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China Denies Separatist Group Claims for Bombings

Chinese authorities Saturday denied claims by a Uighur separatist group that it was behind a pair of bus bombings in the southwestern city of Kunming and the eastern city of Shanghai.

A group calling itself the Turkestan Islamic Party took responsibility for Monday's explosion in the city of Kunming which killed two people and for a May 5 bombing in Shanghai which killed three people.

In an online video, the group threatened to carry out more attacks during the upcoming Beijing Olympics.

The state run Xinhua news agency reports Chinese authorities deny the bus blasts were terrorist attacks.

But earlier, Chinese authorities had called the Kunming blasts sabotage and said the explosions were deliberately set to go off at nearly the same time.

The Turkestan Islamic Party also claimed responsibility for two attacks on July 17. A tractor bomb blew up at a police in the eastern city of Wenzhou and a plastics factory was bombed in the southern city of Guangzhou.

China has increased security ahead of the Olympic Games, warning of possible terrorist threats.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.