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Medics: Israeli Troops Kill Palestinian Boy in West Bank Protest


Palestinian medics say Israeli troops have shot and killed a Palestinian boy during a protest against an extension of Israel's controversial security barrier in the West Bank.

Witnesses and medics say Israeli soldiers clashed with Palestinians Tuesday near the village of Nilin, the site of several previous demonstrations against the barrier. They say the soldiers fired at a group of rock-throwing protesters, killing the 10-year-old boy.

There was no immediate comment from the Israeli army.

Palestinians say the West Bank barrier robs them of land they want for a future state. Israel says the barrier is necessary to keep Palestinian attackers out of Israeli territory.

In other news, members of the Palestinian militant group Hamas arrived in Cairo today for talks with Egyptian officials on a potential prisoner exchange with Israel.

Hamas officials say the delegation will discuss ways to advance a truce between the Palestinian group and Israel. They say the talks also will focus on repairing a rift between Hamas and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement.

The two Palestinian factions have been at odds since Hamas routed Fatah forces in a takeover of the Gaza Strip last year.

Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Israel will not be able to reach a full peace deal with the Palestinians by the end of this year. But he told lawmakers that differences over final borders and the issue of Palestinian refugees are not insurmountable.

Palestinian officials criticized Mr. Olmert's comments, accusing him of giving up on the peace process. Mr. Olmert and Mr. Abbas restarted peace talks last November with the goal of reaching a deal by the end of 2008.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.