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Coalition Airstrike Kills 8 Afghan Civilians, 25 Militants


Afghan officials say bomb attacks in the capital, Kabul, killed four Afghans Monday, while violence elsewhere killed two foreign troops.

In the deadliest attack, a suicide car bomber targeted a NATO convoy in eastern Kabul, killing three civilians and wounding 12 other people, including NATO soldiers. The Taliban claimed responsibility.

Earlier, a roadside bombing in southern Kabul killed a policeman and wounded two others.

In other violence Monday, insurgents attacked Canadian soldiers in the southern province of Kandahar with grenades and small arms fire. One Canadian soldier was killed and another was wounded.

Also, a roadside bomb killed a Latvian NATO soldier and wounded three others in northern Afghanistan's Maimana province.

Meanwhile, NATO is denying Afghan claims that its troops killed civilians in a battle with Taliban militants in Kapisa province on Saturday. NATO says it investigated the fighting and concluded that those killed were insurgents.

NATO says surveillance aircraft observed the militants hiding their weapons and changing clothes.

Also Monday, the U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan said an air strike by U.S.-led troops killed 25 militants and eight civilians in the southern province of Uruzgan on Sunday.

A coalition statement said the militants had retreated to a compound after ambushing coalition troops. It said the troops called for an air strike without knowing that militants in the compound were holding 11 civilians hostage, including children.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.