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Cheney: Russian Aggression Must Not Go Unanswered


U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney says Russian aggression against Georgia must not go unanswered.

A Cheney spokeswoman said the vice president spoke by telephone Sunday to Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. He expressed U.S. solidarity with the Georgian people and their democratically elected government.

The spokeswoman said Cheney praised the Georgian president for his government's restraint and offer of a cease-fire and withdrawal of Georgian forces from South Ossetia.

Cheney said further Russian aggression would have serious consequences for U.S.-Russian relations and the international community.

U.S. President George Bush discussed the conflict with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Friday during the Summer Olympics in Beijing.

Mr. Bush told NBC television that violence between Russia and Georgia is unacceptable and international mediation is needed.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.