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Russian Convoy Moves Deeper Into Georgia

A Russian convoy has moved deeper into Georgia, advancing to about 50 kilometers from the capital, Tbilisi.

News agency reports from the scene say 10 armored vehicles left the war-battered city of Gori headed toward the capital, but they stopped near the village of Igoeti.

Russian troops have allowed some humanitarian supplies into Gori, after blocking access to the city for several days. Georgian authorities have been trying to re-enter the abandoned town, but so far have refused to endorse a proposal for South Ossetian police to patrol Gori.

Russian officials told reporters Friday that they discovered a large depot of U.S.-made weapons near the Georgian town of Senaki. U.S. officials have not responded to the comment.

In another development, Human Rights Watch said it has uncovered evidence that Russian aircraft dropped cluster bombs on Georgia.

The New York-based human rights group says the munitions were dropped on Gori and the town of Ruisi, killing 11 people and wounding dozens more

Cluster bombs contain hundreds of smaller explosives that detonate over a wide area. More than 100 countries have agreed to ban their use.

Georgian forces say they launched an offensive against separatists in South Ossetia last week after coming under Russian fire. Russia says it acted to protect its citizens in Ossetia.

The breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia declared independence from Georgia in the early 1990s, but have failed to gain international recognition.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.