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Hillary Clinton Urges Support for Barack Obama at DNC

VOA LIVE from the DNC:

0100-0400 UTC nightly.


Hillary Clinton pressed Democrats to unite behind Barack Obama to elect him president, saying the party does not have a "moment to lose or a vote to spare."

Senator Clinton's speech began after a video tribute and a standing ovation from delegates, honoring her hard-fought but, ultimately, unsuccessful campaign to be the Democratic nominee for president.

She spoke late Tuesday to a cheering audience at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, where Obama is to accept the party nomination Thursday. The two Senators fought a bitter, months-long battle for the nomination.

Clinton said Obama must become the next president of the United States, adding that he would move the country forward while Republican John McCain would only offer more of what she called the same failed policies of the Bush administration.

But polls have indicated a significant number of Clinton supporters will vote for McCain as president, as some Clinton backers remain upset she lost her bid for the nomination and that Obama did not select her as his vice presidential candidate.

Clinton's speech began after a video tribute and a standing ovation. Obama will become the first African-American nominee of a major U.S. political party when he accepts the nomination Thursday, the final day of the convention.

Before Clinton's speech, former Virginia governor and current Senate candidate Mark Warner delivered the convention's keynote address. He said this election is about the future versus the past, and he joined other speakers criticizing McCain and the policies of President George Bush.

Republicans take the spotlight next week, when the party holds its national convention in St. Paul-Minneapolis, Minnesota to nominate McCain as its presidential nominee.