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Afghans Protest Killing of Family

Hundreds of Afghans took to the street Monday to protest the killing of three family members in an attack the protesters blamed on an early morning raid by U.S.-led troops in Kabul.

The U.S.-led coalition denied any involvement in the attack on the family's house.

Witnesses said a man and his two young sons were killed in the raid. They also said three people were taken away by the troops.

In another development, Afghanistan's president has appealed to U.S.-led forces to scale back their air strikes on militant targets because of civilian casualties. Hamid Karzai wants NATO and the U.S.-led coalition forces to use alternatives to air power in pursuit of militants.

Last week, Mr. Karzai ordered a review of foreign troops in Afghanistan after his administration said up to 90 civilians were killed in an air raid by the U.S.-led coalition in western Herat.

The U.S.-led coalition disputed that account, saying 25 militants and five civilians were killed when troops called in air strikes following an attack by militants.

The United Nations said it found "convincing evidence" of the higher death toll after an on-scene investigation.

Separately, U.S. military officials said Monday more than 220 suspected militants were killed in a military operation in Afghanistan's southern Helmand province last week.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.