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NATO: Malfunctioning Bomb Kills 2 Afghan Civilians

NATO officials in Afghanistan say one of their bombs missed its target in eastern Khost province Tuesday and instead killed two civilians and wounded up to 10 others.

A NATO statement says the bomb was meant for a militant hideout but it malfunctioned and missed its target by more than two kilometers.

Also Tuesday, the U.S.-led coalition said a roadside bomb in the east killed three of its soldiers and an Afghan contractor.

Elsewhere, the police chief in southern Uruzgan province, Juma Gul Himat said a coalition airstrike killed at least 15 militants.

The violence came on the anniversary of Afghanistan's first known suicide attack against legendary commander Ahmad Shah Massoud on September ninth, 2001, by al-Qaida operatives. His death came two days before al-Qaida's September 11 attacks on the United States.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.