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Attacks in Iraq Kill at Least 11


Security officials in Iraq say at least 11 people have been killed and more than 30 wounded in a series of attacks in Baghdad.

In the deadliest attack Wednesday, two car bombs killed eight people and wounded at least 20 others in western Baghdad. Officials say the bombs exploded minutes apart.

Elsewhere in the capital, the U.S. military says two roadside bombs killed three Iraqis and wounded 15 others. A military statement says one of the bombs was placed under a parked vehicle.

Violence in Iraq is at a four-year low, but three bombings Monday killed 34 people.

On Tuesday, General Ray Odierno became the top U.S. commander in Iraq, replacing General David Petraeus. Petraeus is credited with helping reduce violence in the country and overseeing the U.S. troop surge.

Odierno said the security gains in Iraq are "reversible" and warned that the work there is far from done.

General Petraeus oversaw a change in U.S. counter-insurgency strategy and the U.S. troop surge when he took command in February 2007. He will now lead the broader U.S. central command, which includes Afghanistan and Iraq.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.