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Author Daniel Lak Analyzes India's Role As A New World Superpower


Daniel Lak, BBC Reporter and author of the new book, India Express: The Future of the New Superpower says what the world sees as India’s biggest problems are actually its strengths. Problematic issues in India like poverty, corruption, and natural disasters test the character of the Indian people. According to Lak, Indians rise up against these challenges and prove resilience, year after year. Mr. Lak spoke with VOA senior news analyst Gary Thomas and Hindi Service reporter Niharika Acharya, on Press Conference USA on an assortment of issues.

Mr. Lak considered the recent civilian nuclear deal with the United States a success. President Bush worked with India for three years on a bill that permits U.S. companies to enter into India’s nuclear market. This groundbreaking bill was signed into law October 8th. Daniel Lak expressed hope that the relationship between India and the U.S. will continue to grow. He described India as one of the most “pro-American” countries in the world and does not see this changing anytime soon, regardless of who becomes the new U.S. President.

Daniel Lak explained that it is very realistic for India to be called a superpower. In India Express, he argues that India enjoys a wide range of civil liberties, a growing economy, and an influential diaspora, all of which point to the country’s potential as a global superpower.

Mr. Lak also presented his views on the recurrent terrorist attacks in India. He said that Indians cope by not dwelling on such attacks and by not responding to them by precipitously retaliating or putting stress on their economy. Instead, they have learned over the years how to be strong and to move on with their lives.

To hear more about author Daniel Lak’s views on India as a new world superpower, click here or listen to this week’s Press Conference USA online or as a podcast.