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US Investigators Look Into Voter Fraud Allegations

U.S. federal investigators are examining allegations that a community organizing group has helped perpetrate voter registration fraud ahead of the presidential election.

U.S. media report that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is looking into whether a group called ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, coordinated a national effort that produced flawed registration applications. Representatives of the group say they have not been notified of any investigation.

ACORN employees have been accused of submitting voter registration forms for ineligible voters, including fictitious characters such as "Mickey Mouse." The group admits this has occurred in a few cases. But, it says the workers involved were fired, and that election officials were notified.

Republican presidential nominee John McCain has criticized his rival, Barack Obama, for associating with ACORN, and has urged the Democrat to fully cooperate with an investigation.

Obama has denied having significant ties to the group.

Police in the western U.S. state of Nevada recently raided an ACORN office as part of a state investigation into registration fraud. An ACORN volunteer alleged that Republicans are behind the raid, in a state where the vote is expected to be close.