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Minibus Hit in Baghdad Bomb Blast, 2 Killed

Iraqi authorities say a minibus was struck by a roadside bomb in eastern Baghdad Monday, killing at least two people and wounding five others.

Earlier, coalition forces in Iraq said they killed three suspected terrorists and detained three suspects in operations targeting the leadership of al-Qaida in Iraq.

In a statement, the U.S.-led coalition said the incidents took place about 19 kilometers southwest of Kirkuk, as coalition troops searched for a man believed to be involved in planning bomb attacks. He was arrested along with two others.

The statement says coalition forces shot three men in self-defense.

Saturday, Iraq's largest Sunni political party said it has suspended official contacts with U.S. military and civilian personnel after an Iraqi man was killed and five arrested in a raid in Fallujah.

In a statement, the Iraqi Islamic Party demanded an explanation about what happened, along with an apology. The party also demanded assurances that those responsible will be punished.

The party said the targets of the raid were party members. But the U.S. military said one man had been arrested and one had been killed in a joint U.S.-Iraqi raid against a suspected militant in Fallujah.