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IAEA: Syrian Site Resembled Nuclear Reactor

The United Nations' nuclear agency says a Syrian facility bombed by Israeli planes resembled a nuclear reactor, but that its true purpose is still unclear.

A report by the International Atomic Energy Agency obtained by VOA Wednesday says the facility had "features" characteristic of a nuclear site.

It notes U.N. inspectors found "significant" amounts of uranium particles in the area.

But the report says the findings were inconclusive.

Israel bombed Syria's al-Kibar facility last year, claiming it was a nearly-completed secret nuclear plant.

Syria says the facility was a military site not involved in nuclear activities.

In a separate report obtained by VOA Wednesday, the IAEA says Iran is still enriching uranium in defiance of U.N. Security Council sanctions.

Enriched uranium is a key ingredient in nuclear weapons, but Tehran says its nuclear activities are peaceful.

The IAEA says its investigation into Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program is deadlocked because Tehran is not providing substantive information on its activities.

On Syria, the IAEA says it plans to ask Damascus for more information about the uranium debris found at its suspected nuclear site, and about any equipment removed from the facility.