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Iran Proposes Building Nuclear Plants with Neighbors


The head of Iran's atomic energy agency has proposed building nuclear power plants jointly with neighboring Arab countries.

Gholam Reza Aghazadeh did not give any specifics about his proposal Sunday for the development of light-water nuclear plants.

Iran is building its first nuclear power plant with Russia's help.

Iran says it is developing nuclear power, not weapons. But Western nations are concerned Tehran's intentions are militaristic.

The U.N. Security Council has imposed sanctions on Iran to try to stop it from enriching uranium. Tehran says it wants to produce low-grade fuel for peaceful nuclear power plants. But the same process could be used to enrich uranium to a higher grade for nuclear weapons.

A recent International Atomic Energy Agency report says Iran is defying U.N. sanctions and has stopped providing substantial information to the U.N. nuclear agency about its activities.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.