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White House Develops Crisis Plans for Obama

A U.S. newspaper is reporting the White House has crafted more than a dozen emergency plans to help President-elect Barack Obama deal with an international crisis should one erupt during his first days in office.

A report in The New York Times Wednesday says the plans are part of an extraordinary effort by outgoing President George Bush to ensure a smooth transition of power, the first one since the terror attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001.

The report says White House memorandums envision a variety of dangerous scenarios, such as a nuclear explosion in North Korea, a terrorist attack on U.S. computer systems, or a fresh outbreak of instability in the Middle East. In each case, the plan outlines potential options for Mr. Obama.

The Times says both Mr. Bush and President-elect Obama are working closely to ensure a more efficient transition in a time of war and terrorist threat.

The story says the commission that investigated the 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States noted problems during the transition between Mr. Bush and his predecessor, Bill Clinton.