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Turkey Suspends its Role as Mediator Between Israel, Syria


Turkey says it is suspending its role as mediator for peace talks between Israel and Syria due to the recent Israeli attacks on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan Monday said that Israel cannot speak of peace with Syria while engaging in war with Gaza.

Syria announced Sunday that it was putting peace talks with Israel on hold because of the attacks on Gaza that have killed more than 300 Palestinians.

Earlier today, Babacan and Egypt's foreign minister, Ahmed Abul Gheit, met in Ankara in an attempt to find a solution to the fighting in Gaza. They urged Israel to stop its deadly offensive on the Gaza Strip, warning of increased tensions in the Middle East.

Gheit says Egypt is trying to broker a cease-fire between the two sides, to be followed by a truce.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.