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Turkish Warplanes Bomb Suspected Kurdish Rebels in Iraq

Turkish warplanes Monday targeted suspected Kurdish rebel hideouts in northern Iraq.

A spokesman for the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, told the French news agency that Turkish planes and Iranian artillery bombarded locations in the remote mountain area.

The spokesman did not say if there were any casualties.

A Web site that supports the PKK says the Turkish military carried out 373 operations against the rebel group in 2008, including two launched jointly with Iranian forces.

The prime ministers of Turkey and Iraq recently said they will cooperate in fighting Kurdish rebels based in northern Iraq.

Turkish warplanes have bombed suspected rebel hideouts in northern Iraq in response to PKK assaults on Turkish soldiers.

The United States and Iraq have warned that the conflict could destabilize northern Iraq.

The PKK has been fighting for Kurdish autonomy in southeastern Turkey for nearly a quarter-century. At least 37,000 people have been killed in the conflict.

Turkey, the European Union and the United States classify the PKK as a terrorist group.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.