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Taliban Car Bomber Targets Foreign Troops in Kabul

Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan have claimed responsibility for a suicide car bombing that wounded at least two Afghans in the capital, Kabul, Sunday.

Afghan officials say the bomber was targeting a convoy of foreign troops on the western edge of the city.

Also Sunday, Afghan villagers gathered to denounce a pre-dawn U.S. military raid that protesters say left several civilians dead or wounded. Coalition forces deny the charge, saying two known militants were killed in the operation in the southwestern province of Ghazni.

Separately, NATO issued a statement saying two children were killed and three Afghan adults were wounded in a battle between insurgents and troops on Saturday in Helmand province.

NATO says militants armed with rocket-popelled grenade launchers fired at troops from a compound, and troops responded. The alliance says the civilian casualties were in the compound, and it accused the Taliban of disregarding Afghan life by using local housing to instigate attacks.

The United States plans to intensify its fight against the Taliban this year by sending as many as 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.