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Violence Flares Near Pakistan, Afghan Border

The Pakistani military says troops killed four militants in the Bajaur tribal district, a strategically important region near the Afghan border.

This marks the first clash in the area since a top Taliban leader in Bajaur declared a truce two weeks ago. Military officials say militants attacked security forces near the town of Nawagai. Pakistani troops returned fire and killed four militants.

Meanwhile, clashes have also been reported in neighboring Mohmand region, where security forces say 15 militants were killed late Sunday. Earlier, Taliban militants killed at least 13 paramilitary officers in the same area.

Attacks have risen over the past several years in the tribal region along the Afghan-Pakistan border, where Taliban and Al-Qaida militants are believed to have bases.

Local Pakistani leaders and a top Pakistani Taliban leader signed a deal three weeks ago in Swat Valley, once a renowned tourist destination. Under the deal, militants have agreed to lay down their arms in exchange for the imposition of Islamic law or Sharia.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP.