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Israel Imposes 3-Day Closure on West Bank

The Israeli military is imposing a three-day closure on the West Bank, banning Palestinians from entering Israel during a Jewish festival.

The military says it began the closure early Monday and will maintain it throughout the holiday of Purim, which ends at midnight Wednesday.

Israel considers Jewish festivals likely times for Palestinian attacks. The military regularly imposes closures during such holidays.

Meanwhile, a British relief convoy carrying aid for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip arrived Sunday at the Rafah border crossing in Egypt.

The convoy led by British Parliamentarian George Galloway has traveled more than 14,000 kilometers from London over the past three weeks to reach the Palestinian territory.

It is unclear whether Egyptian authorities will allow the food and medical aid to pass into the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, which was crippled by Israel's recent military offensive.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.