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At Least Nine Dead in Suicide Attack Near Pakistani Capital

A bomb exploded near a busy bus terminal south of the Pakistani capital Islamabad late Monday, killing at least nine people and injuring around 17 others.

Local police say the explosion in Rawalpindi appears to be a suicide attack. Some news reports say the bomber was inside a car or on a motorcycle when the explosives went off. Emergency personnel are at the scene.

No other information is immediately available.

The attack came on the same day the government gave in to opposition demands to reinstate a popular Supreme Court justice. The concession prompted supporters of opposition leader Nawaz Sharif to call off his so-called "long march" to Islamabad.

Pakistan has been facing a wave of militant attacks over the past few years. The government has recently signed separate peace agreements with Islamic militants in the Swat Valley, and in the neighboring Bajaur region.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP