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Afghan Authorities Detain Television Anchors

An international media group says it is disturbed by the recent arrests of two television broadcasters by Afghan authorities.

Reporters Without Borders says Fahim Kohdamani of Emroz TV and Ajmal Alamzai of Ariana TV were arrested on Monday for airing programs deemed anti-Islamic and for speaking with Taliban representatives.

It says Kohdamani was arrested for broadcasting music and hosting an entertainment program. In a statement Tuesday, the group says his arrest appeared to be linked to a letter of complaint sent to President Hamid Karzai by Muslim clerics.

Alamzai, the host of Ariana TV's program "Didadgah," was detained for speaking with a Taliban member during a program that discussed U.S. efforts to reach out to moderate Islamic insurgents. The statement says he was released late Monday evening.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP