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Some Zimbabwe Activists Wary of Official Political Violence Healing Process

Some Zimbabwean civic activists are dismissing government plans to set aside three days through Sunday to launch a national healing and reconciliation program as a political ploy to gloss over continuing violence and rights violations without consideration for victims.

Non-governmental organizations including the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum issued a statement saying they are distancing themselves from the official process.

President Robert Mugabe and the national unity government installed in February as a way to resolve a national stalemate following traumatic 2008 elections have urged political parties to renounce violence and urge their supporters to maintain peace in the national interest.

For perspective on the proposed healing exercise reporter Patience Rusere of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe spoke with Glen Mpani of the Center for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation in Cape Town, South Africa, and Gordon Chavhunduka, president of the Zimbabwe National Traditional Healers Association.

Chavhunduka said it is too early for such a process as the wounds from the 2008 violence are still too fresh and those who committed such violence must take responsibility.

More reports from VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe...