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Zelaya Sets Monday Deadline for Agreement


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Deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya has given the de facto government until Monday to consider his counter-proposal for ending the country's political crisis.

A representative of the ousted leader, Ricardo Martinez, said if no agreement is reached by then, the dialogue is broken.

Mr. Zelaya's proposal would authorize the Honduran Congress to decide whether to reinstate him.

The Zelaya camp rejected a proposal by Interim President Roberto Micheletti calling for the Supreme Court to make the decision. The ousted leader's chief negotiator called the proposal "absurd."

Mr. Micheletti has been under intense international pressure to restore Mr. Zelaya, since he was removed from power in a June 28 coup. Mr. Zelaya's opponents say he was ousted because he was trying to illegally change the constitution to extend his term in office.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP.