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2 US Soldiers Shot, Wounded in Kuwait - 2002-11-21

A gunman wounded two U.S. soldiers in Kuwait during what authorities are calling an ambush. The attack occurred on a highway near Kuwait City.

One of the soldiers was shot in the face, the other in the shoulder, apparently by a lone gunman who was reportedly able to escape.

The Associated Press reported the men managed to drive themselves to a nearby town where they were airlifted to a Kuwaiti military hospital. Both soldiers are said to be in serious but stable condition.

According to a U.S. military spokesman, neither of the injuries appears to be life-threatening.

The spokesman said the two were shot while traveling between Camp Doha military base and a U.S. military base south of Kuwait City. He said the soldiers did not return fire.

The attack was the fifth shooting incident involving U.S. personnel in Kuwait in less than two months.

On October 8 a U.S. Marine was killed and another injured by two Kuwaiti gunmen, who were then shot and killed by other U.S. troops. The attack occurred during U.S. military training exercises on Failaka Island, about 20 kilometers east of Kuwait City.

Following that attack Kuwaiti authorities said they arrested 15 people believed to have been involved.

On October 9 U.S. troops reported firing on a vehicle near Kuwait City. The shooting occurred after the occupants in the vehicle allegedly pointed a weapon at the troops. No one was injured in that incident.

On October 14 shots were fired from two civilian vehicles in the vicinity of where U.S. troops were training. Again, no one was injured.

And on November 2 shots were fired in an area where U.S. troops were located. One of the two assailants was shot and killed during the attack. Kuwaiti officials said that attacker had sworn allegiance to al-Qaida terror network leader Osama bin Laden.

Following that attack, Kuwaiti officials restricted access to the northwest part of the Gulf state where joint U.S.-Kuwaiti military exercises continue.

The latest shooting is being investigated by Kuwaiti authorities and the U.S. Criminal Investigation Command.