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Democratic Lawmaker Calls for Opposition to Bush's Social Security Plans
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Democratic Lawmaker Calls for Opposition to Bush's Social Security Plans

A Democratic Congressman has called on young Americans to oppose President Bush's plan to change the national retirement system, Social Security.

In the Democratic Party's weekly radio address Saturday, House member Kendrick Meek of Florida said the changes would harm the middle-class, increase the deficit, and cut benefits for most workers.

He says today's young Americans will be hurt the most as they reach retirement age. He says the president's plan would force the country to borrow trillions of dollars from foreign nations.

Cong. Meek says the private accounts the president has been promoting would be hit with what he called "a large privatization tax." President Bush says those accounts would earn a higher rate of return.

Mr. Bush recently wrapped up a nationwide tour promoting his plans for Social Security. He called the changes needed to secure the system for future generations.

Some information for this report provided by AP.