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Protests Continue in Northern Kosovo

Around 2,000 Serbian nationalists marched through the streets of the ethnically-divided Kosovo town of Mitrovica Saturday, on the sixth day of protests against Kosovo's independence. The city has been torn by protests since Kosovo declared independence last week.

Most Serbs consider the seceded territory a historic heart of Serbia.

Meanwhile, the European Union's special representative in Kosovo has confirmed the evacuation of his personnel from Mitrovica.

Peter Feith, the head of the EU's peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, said Saturday that the pull-out was temporary.

Friday, Serbian President Boris Tadic called for an end to violence after rioters opposed to Kosovo's declaration of independence Thursday attacked the U.S. and other embassies in Belgrade.

The demonstrators were angered by U.S. support for Kosovo's independence declaration.

Some information for this story provided by AFP and Reuters.