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Vote Counting Ends in Afghan Elections, Vote Fraud Probed

Afghan officials say ballot counting in last month's legislative elections has been completed and authorities now are auditing the results and investigating reports of vote fraud.

Spokesman for the joint U.N.-Afghan election commission, Aleem Siddique says the physical count is complete with the exception of those materials that are subject to audit.

Officials say the unofficial results show that warlords and opponents of President Hamid Karzai have fared relatively well, and women lawmakers could hold the balance of power in the new national assembly.

Final results from the September 18 vote, which also chose provincial councils, are due by October 22, after complaints are resolved.

Suspected Taleban insurgents, who failed to stop more than six million people from voting, resumed their attacks this week. A bomb blast near the Pakistani border Tuesday killed three people.

Some information for this report provided by AP and Reuters.