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London Bomber's Widow Says Fanatics Poisoned Her Husband's Mind

The widow of one of the four suicide bombers who killed 52 people in the July 7 attacks on London's transit system says radicals in British mosques poisoned her peace-loving husband's mind.

Samantha Lewthwaite, the widow of Jamaican-born Jamal Germaine Lindsay, told The Sun newspaper that her husband came under the influence of Muslim fanatics he met late last year, who twisted and poisoned his mind. She said he became increasingly angry as he saw reports of Muslim civilians being killed in the streets of Iraq, Bosnia, Palestine and Israel.

Ms. Lewthwaite, who like her husband is a convert to Islam, said his behavior had become increasingly erratic in days prior to the bombings, to the point that she ordered him out of the house hours ahead of the attacks.

Jamal Lindsay is believed to have killed 26 people in the July 7 subway bombings.

Some information for this report provided by AP and Reuters.