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Car Bomb Targets Turkish Engineers Outside Mogadishu


Mogadishu and Afgoye
Mogadishu and Afgoye

At least three people were killed and more than 20 others, including Turkish nationals, were wounded when a car bomb targeting foreign nationals exploded Saturday in the town of Afgoye, 30 kilometers outside of Somalia's capital, Mogadishu.

Al-Shabab has claimed responsibility for the attack.
Two Somali officials confirmed the causalities to local media.

According to Turkish news Agency Anadolu, the Turkish health minister said at least six Turkish nationals were injured in the attack, two of whom sustained serious injuries.
The news agency said staffers of a Turkish construction firm were injured in the explosion.
Afgoye residents say they heard a huge blast in the area followed by gunfire.
Turkish engineers are working on road construction project. Two Turkish nationals, a foremen and a construction worker, were among more than 80 killed in late December in a bomb attack on a checkpoint near Mogadishu.

Saturday’s attack came hours after the Somali army said it had repelled several attacks carried out by al-Shabab militants in Qoryooley and Afgoye town overnight. Qoryooley is about 70 km south of Mogadishu.

Al-Shabab claimed it had killed four African Union troops and overrun a military base in Afgoye town, but a Somali official said only one Somali soldier was killed in Afgoye attack.