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Airstrikes Rock Tripoli, Libya Wants More US Talks

Airstrikes Rock Tripoli, Libya Wants More US Talks
Airstrikes Rock Tripoli, Libya Wants More US Talks

The Libyan government says NATO airstrikes caused casualties and damage in the capital, Tripoli, on Saturday.

Meanwhile, a government spokesman says Libya is willing to hold more talks with the U.S. but has no interest in talking to rebels.

Moussa Ibrahim made the comments to journalists late Friday, about a week after U.S. and Libyan officials met in Tunisia. The U.S. described the talks as a "one-time" meeting to deliver a clear message that leader Moammar Gadhafi must leave power.

Earlier Friday, Italy said it was working with the Libyan opposition to prepare a political offer to Tripoli that includes a ceasefire and a call for Gadhafi's resignation.

Foreign Minister Franco Frattini announced the plans after meeting with Ali al-Essawi, the deputy of Libya's opposition Transitional National Council (TNC). Both said there was no role for Gadhafi in Libya's future.

Frattini said they would present the plan to United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon's special envoy to Libya, Abdul Elah al-Khatib.

In a separate development, the French news agency (AFP) said Saturday that Libyan rebels had lost control of the southwestern town of Qatrun, following an attack by pro-government forces.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.