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American Tries Sending Words of Hope to Japan

A letter, collected by Words of Hope for Japan, from a U.S. child for victims of the earthquake and tsunami.
A letter, collected by Words of Hope for Japan, from a U.S. child for victims of the earthquake and tsunami.

A new project is trying to bring words of hope from the United States to survivors of the devestating earthquake and tsunami in Japan this year.

Kathleen Koch, who grew up in the Mississippi gulf coast area and covered Hurricane Katrina as a reporter, said she couldn't bear to just sit and watch the images from Japan.

Koch said she remembered how much letters of support meant to the victims of Katrina. "I remember a teenager down there telling me she got a letter from a little boy in Guam and she said it meant more than any of the care packages that she recieved because it was a special kind of caring. She said it made us realize we were not fogotten," said Koch.

Listen to the interview with Kathleen Koch

Now, she's leading a project to send letters of encouragement to the people of Japan. The project, called "Words of Hope for Japan", has compiled almost 3,000 letters so far and is close to finding an organization to distribute them in Japan.

She said she wants the people of Japan to know that although people in the United States may be far, far away, Americans care and understand what they are going through.