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Britain to Invite North Korean Journalists for Training

Britain says it will invite North Korean journalists to the country for a study tour early next year.

In a written statement to the House of Lords this week, Joyce Anelay, the Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, said the upcoming visit will constitute the final stage of the British government-funded project titled “Inside Out: Working in North Korea to connect its journalists to the Internet world.”

“[It] is an on-going media project being delivered by the Thomson Foundation, an independent UK organization with a proven track record of working in a number of countries, including now, for the first time, in DPRK,” wrote Anelay.

She explained the project “aims to expose participants to the UK media, instructing them on international reporting practices and the development of technical skills to build websites using a variety of international sources.”

The first stage of the project began with a pilot workshop for 46 journalists in the North’s capital of Pyongyang between October 13 and 22.

Anelay said that while in Britain, the North Koreans will learn how multimedia websites work at British media companies.

Britain has said its policy toward Pyongyang is one of “critical engagement,” which means making clear the views of the international community on the North's nuclear weapons program and human rights record, while encouraging the communist regime to work with the outside world through educational and cultural exchanges.

Jee Abbey Lee contributed to this report, which was produced in collaboration with the VOA Korean service.