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Chinese Court Sentences Man to Death in Kindergarten Knife Attack

A man accused in a brutal knife attack on a kindergarten class in eastern China has been sentenced to death.

The Xinhua news agency said Xu Yuyuan was found guilty of murder in a brief trial Saturday over the April 29 attack in which he stormed a classroom in Jiangsu province, stabbing 32 students and teachers before being subdued.

Xinhua did not report how many deaths occurred in the attack, saying only that 29 children and three teachers were wounded.

The news agency said Xu admitted to the court his motive was to vent his rage against society.

His was one of six similar attacks that have taken place in schools across China since March. Earlier this week, a 48-year-old man attacked and killed seven children and two adults, just as school was beginning at a private kindergarten in Shaanxi province.

Chinese officials have pledged to severely punish attackers who target children, and say they are investigating the root cause of a string of violent acts.

In comments to a Hong Kong television station Thursday, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said the Chinese government needs to resolve the deep-seated causes that have led to such problems.

Some experts blame the wave of attacks on China's widening social inequalities, which they say have fueled cases of mental illness and stress in the population.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.