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The Infodemic: CDC Report Didn't Discount Effectiveness of Masks

FILE - Patrons wearing masks to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus wait in line to enter Zoo Miami, Sept. 15, 2020, in Miami.
FILE - Patrons wearing masks to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus wait in line to enter Zoo Miami, Sept. 15, 2020, in Miami.

Fake news about the coronavirus can do real harm. is spotlighting fact-checks from other reliable sources here​.

Daily Debunk

Claim: "A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that an 'overwhelming majority' of individuals who contacted coronavirus had worn a mask or face covering, proving that neither are effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19."

Verdict: Mostly false

Read the full story at:

Social Media Disinfo

Circulating on social media: "After an Ontario politician condemned the Canadian federal government’s Covid-19 quarantine sites as “internment camps,” social media posts suggested that these sites would eventually be used to jail Canadians. This is false; the sites are facilities rented by the federal government for travellers who have no alternative for mandatory quarantine, Health Canada told AFP."

Verdict: False

Read the full story at: AFP Fact Check

Factual Reads on Coronavirus

Improving pandemic preparedness: Lessons from COVID-19
The United States and the world were caught unprepared by the COVID-19 pandemic despite decades of warnings of the threat of global pandemics and years of international planning.
-- Council on Foreign Relations, October 2020

  • 16x9 Image is a fact-checking website produced by Voice of America (VOA). ​The website serves as a resource for verifying the increasing volume of disinformation and misinformation being distributed and shared globally.