Fake news about the coronavirus can do real harm. Polygraph.info is spotlighting fact-checks from other reliable sources here.
Daily Debunk
Claim: Mask mandates are a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code, a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation designed after the Second World War.
Verdict: False
Read the full story at: Reuters
Social Media Disinfo
Circulating on social media: A video claiming that coronavirus breathalyzer tests can provide a Covid-19 result within 10 seconds at a 99.9 percent accuracy rate.
Verdict: Misleading
Read the full story at: Agence France-Presse
Factual Reads on Coronavirus
Why the U.S. Is Underestimating Covid Reinfection
As millions of Americans struggle to recover from covid and millions more scramble for the protection offered by vaccines, U.S. health officials may be overlooking an unsettling subgroup of survivors: those who get infected more than once.
-- Kaiser Health News, February 8