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Erdogan 'Losing Patience' With Protests

Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has told thousands of his supporters that he has limited patience with the anti-government protests, now in their 10th day.

Mr. Erdogan delivered several speeches Sunday, demanding that the protesters give up. He said the marchers would "pay a price" and he said he would have to "speak the language" they understand.

He also urged his supporters to avoid violence themselves and use local elections next March to "teach a lesson" to their opponents.

Police used tear gas and water cannons to break up more demonstrations in Ankara and Istanbul Sunday.

Three people have been killed and thousands hurt since the protests began 10 days ago against government plans to tear down a public park in Istanbul. They have since turned into protests against what marchers call the prime minister's imposition of his Islamist views on a secular nation.